Stanley Simmons
Now that you have finally decided that you want to purchase a home, you need to start thinking about how you are going to pay for that home. Do you have enough in your savings account to cover the purchase price as well as the closing costs? If so, then that is incredible. However, if you are like most people, you have not had the chance to save up that amount of money, and you will need to count on a mortgage lender to help you get the house you want. Before you sign any applications for home loan programs, you will want to read through the following tips. This way, you will hopefully increase your chances of getting an approval from the mortgage loan lender.
Clean Up All Of Your Credit Reports
It is extremely important for you to make sure that you are checking not just one of your credit reports but all of them from the major reporting agencies. This is important because what may be reported on one report might not be on another. Since you do not know which credit reporting agency the lender is going to reference, you have to make sure that you are checking all of them for errors.
Stop The Extra Spending
Even if you have credit on your cards and you know you can pay the large payments and still the monthly mortgage payment, you will want to avoid making any major purchases. This means do not use your credit cards, take out a new auto loan, or use any more of the line of credit you have through your bank. The mortgage company could view the extra spending as excessive and deny you the loan because of that. They might also have criteria for your debt-to-income ratio that is different than what you have in mind, and that can cause you to become denied for the mortgage. If you need a new vehicle, wait until after you have closed on the house.
Now that you have had a chance to review those tips, you will want to figure out a game plan so you can start putting that advice to good use. Remember, it is a good idea to make sure that you are beginning the process of preparing for the home loan application as soon as possible. Before you know it, you will be approved for the home loan, and you will be on your way to moving into the home of your dreams.
When was the last time you realized you were in the red financially? Although most people don't think about their finances on a day to day basis, it can be easy to find yourself living paycheck to paycheck if you aren't careful. I began thinking carefully about the financial implications of some life decisions I was making, and I knew I had to make a difference. I talked with a loan officer about getting things together, and he was instrumental in helping me to work things out. Read more about my financial successes and failures on this little website. You might be able to avoid some of my previous mistakes.